Interview With "Be Your Own Woman" Magazine
How do you utilise your capabilities to help, heal and empower other people, more so specifically women?
I spread messages and specifically use humor in my work to make it fun and upbeat so women are drawn to my work out of the fun nature of it. I also encourage women to see their true value and they are worth more than the label society has put on them. To discover they've been selling themselves short trying to be accepted in the name of love by a partner when in actuality, they need to love and appreciate themselves first. I heal myself doing my work as I don't claim to be perfect I am learning and healing also every single day. I crash from my own inner wounds which I am learning to be more vulnerable to the world as it is okay to cry and it is okay to have feelings. Many of us were raised on a belief system that having emotions and having feelings makes you weak when it's actually quite the opposite.
At what point did you realise you had healing and physic abilities, and why are you so passionate about encouraging women to learn to stand in their power and break the chains of co-dependency and illusions the world has put on them to define their identity for them?
People have been drawn to me since I was a child with their problems and issues as people seem to trust me with them. I've always had the ability to pass on wise advice to comfort others especially using my sense of humor. I don't know why but I've always used sense of humor to help others heal.
I have the ability to remotely clear negative energies out of people and has been doing this during meditation without realizing I am doing this as I can see the person's higher self and I see the darkness and blocks that are actually created by their own mind correlating to their body. I later figured out what I am doing is spiritual release therapy which was introduced to me by Charlotte happy twins 11:11 via YouTube and I took her course in it. It's amazing and I feel will make a massive break through in the medical field. I now realize I am a shaman which is essentially what my work is based around, being a shaman. Illness is an illusion. Alignments in our body is an illusion and created with the mind and can Manifest with our minds. I can see this as well as I remotely remove blocks. Example, pain being created by living a life that isn't serving, holding onto wounds and karma which can create an actual physical alignment in the body. That physical alignment begins defining the person so they let it define them "hi, I am Kayla I have fibromyalgia" is an example. Suddenly this illness becomes who they are and the illness manifests into reality. Hi I'm Kayla I have fibromyalgia so I am unable to go after my purpose in life. I am unable to break the chains of codependency over my physical alignment issues. Etc etc. I think you prob get my point here. Illness is an illusion. I have watched women improve their health, get pregnant after years of infertility using their mind and I've watched women get more sick and go down hill from not believing otherwise allowing themselves to be chained down in life and not following life purpose.
Do you have any current mentors? Either professionally or personally….
I have other readers I am friends with yes. But for the most part I lead myself in my own work and direction. I don't really have particular mentors as I work right along side others. That's what I do unique with the work I do as we work along side one another mentoring each other as we each have different perspectives to offer.
What platforms are you using as marketing tools to promote your services?
Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and my webpage.
What would advise your younger self 10 years ago?
I wish I had woken up ten years ago that I was living a life revolved around everyone else's belief systems and not truly free. If I could go back I would tell myself to wake up and smell reality. I would have told myself I would as codependent. Ten years ago I was on my death bed from physical illness that was being created by my own toxic mind and environment. I nearly died.
What has been one of the most valuable lessons so far throughout your career?
That we are never done whaling and bettering ourselves. I love what I do but I am learning every single day off my clients and I honestly am proud to say they've all helped me on my own journey to self-love and healing my soul.
What does #BEYOUROWN mean to you?
It's an honor to get myself out there and spread my word as I truly do believe it'll help me take my work into another direction. Women need to stand in their power and let themselves shine.
What does 2020 look like for you throughout the rest of the year?
Releasing what no longer serves me and shining my light. 2020 is the year I quit running on a treadmill in a robotic life and getting myself out there to shine. 2020 is the year no one but me defined my true identity.